Take a moment and think about all of the people that you can 100% control. If I were to guess, that list is not very long, if there are any names on the list at all. With that said, it is not at all possible to control the way others treat you.

When you are in the midst of #WorkplaceWarfare you may be outright disgusted by some of lies that are told on you or disgusted by some of the bullying that you are being subjected to. Again, I must reiterate, you can’t control other people. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to control them or make them act the way you want. But that’s okay! Your job is not to fix, change, or control others. Your job is to focus on what you can control and you most certainly can control your actions and the way you respond to the attacks.

You also can control your faith. Psalms 46:10 NKJV says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” I want you to focus your attention on the latter part of the scripture, “know that I am God.” That phrase provides assurance that although people will disappoint you from time to time, you can rest in the fact that God will always be God. You may not always fully understand why you’re under attack, but you just need to trust in His sovereignty and that He has you in the palms of His almighty hands.

Stay fierce,

Courtni Michelle

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