Take a moment and think about all of the people that you can 100% control. If I were to guess, that list is not very long, if there are any names on the list at all. With that said, it is not at all possible to control the way others treat you.

When you are in the midst of #WorkplaceWarfare you may be outright disgusted by some of lies that are told on you or disgusted by some of the bullying that you are being subjected to. Again, I must reiterate, you can’t control other people. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to control them or make them act the way you want. But that’s okay! Your job is not to fix, change, or control others. Your job is to focus on what you can control and you most certainly can control your actions and the way you respond to the attacks.

You also can control your faith. Psalms 46:10 NKJV says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” I want you to focus your attention on the latter part of the scripture, “know that I am God.” That phrase provides assurance that although people will disappoint you from time to time, you can rest in the fact that God will always be God. You may not always fully understand why you’re under attack, but you just need to trust in His sovereignty and that He has you in the palms of His almighty hands.

Stay fierce,

Courtni Michelle


Your ideal working environment is one that is free of stress and drama. A working environment where your creative juices can flow consistently and uninhibited. Unfortunately, your ideal working environment is not your current reality. The #workplacewarfare just will not allow you to be great, sheesh!

Not only are you experiencing warfare in the workplace, but the internal war between your flesh and your spirit is also raging like an uncontrolled wildfire. Your flesh is singing, “Knuck if You Buck, ” but your spirit is singing, “Let Go, Let God.” Your pride wants you to hastily react to the attack and on the other hand, your humility wants you to keep calm and trust the sovereign one.

In this very moment when you are trying to decide which path to follow, I want you to remember what James 4:6 NIV says; “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Your decision on which path to follow should now be an easy one. The Bible assures you that if you are humble, God will favor you.

God’s got this. Relax and take the high road. Do not respond to negativity with negativity. Trust that God will take care of you, even in the most difficult circumstances. After all, His word declares that He will vindicate you.

Stay fierce,

Courtni Michelle


The Workplace Is a Battleground. Protect Yourself.

By now you have heard the phrase #workplacewarfare and you might have a clear idea of what it means. But do you know how to protect yourself? Workplace warfare is real and unfortunately you are not exempt from attacks. And while it may not seem obvious, I promise, it’s happening. The workplace can be cut-throat, and if you are not prepared, it can devour you. It’s time to get yourself prepared so you don’t become another casualty of workplace warfare.

The Bible says in 2 Thessalonians 3:3 that God will protect you. While this is true that God is your source of protection, documentation is your resource for protection when you are in faced with workplace warfare. When your discernment, also known as that “gut feeling,” alerts you that workplace warfare is on the horizon, this is the time for you to begin documenting events. Proper documentation includes email trails and detailed entries into your personal log. Silently build your offensive playbook so that when it is time to switch to defense, your strategy is already mapped out. Always remember, you are a Workplace Warfare Warrior!

Stay fierce,

Courtni Michelle



First things first, the one thing you are guaranteed to get from me is transparency. It is my goal to share my unfiltered personal experiences and expertise to inspire you to transition from a workplace warfare “worrier” to workplace warfare “warrior.”

Secondly, from here on out you will be referred to as my Workplace Warfare Warriors. Warrior is the most suitable term because the word in itself symbolizes strength and you are going to need strength to persevere when you are engulfed in Workplace Warfare.

On the other hand, we all know what worrying accomplishes; ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. As a matter of fact, worrying can potentially increase warfare and possibly affect your health. And if you need another reason to nix the worry mindset, God reminds us all throughout the Bible to trust Him. With that said, it is impossible to trust God and worry at the same time.

Lastly, there are countless situations within the workplace that we can worry about if we allow ourselves to. A few examples are peer conflict, safety concerns, discrimination, and company downsizing just to name a few. However, as you transition from worrier to warrior, workplace battles will lose their power to intimidate you.