Your ideal working environment is one that is free of stress and drama. A working environment where your creative juices can flow consistently and uninhibited. Unfortunately, your ideal working environment is not your current reality. The #workplacewarfare just will not allow you to be great, sheesh!

Not only are you experiencing warfare in the workplace, but the internal war between your flesh and your spirit is also raging like an uncontrolled wildfire. Your flesh is singing, “Knuck if You Buck, ” but your spirit is singing, “Let Go, Let God.” Your pride wants you to hastily react to the attack and on the other hand, your humility wants you to keep calm and trust the sovereign one.

In this very moment when you are trying to decide which path to follow, I want you to remember what James 4:6 NIV says; “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Your decision on which path to follow should now be an easy one. The Bible assures you that if you are humble, God will favor you.

God’s got this. Relax and take the high road. Do not respond to negativity with negativity. Trust that God will take care of you, even in the most difficult circumstances. After all, His word declares that He will vindicate you.

Stay fierce,

Courtni Michelle

2 replies
  1. Deborah Doyle
    Deborah Doyle says:

    You are head on because the flesh wants vengeance. But, all we have to do is keep living Godly and God will fight your battles. Just be patient.


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